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Gossip news

Joshua Baraka Scoops Trace Awards Nomination

Joshua Baraka, one of the country’s fastest-rising stars, has clinched a coveted nomination at the prestigious Trace Awards and Summit 2025 presented…

shocking!!! Real life project by mechanical engineering students at vision for africa college

As a mandated assessment body, UBTEB conducts routine inspection of real life projects to ascertain the originality, innovativeness and relevancy of …

Uganda seeks World Bank funding to train artistes. Was it necessary?

The Ugandan government plans to seek funding from the World Bank to train and equip its artistes with technical skills to meet international standard…

Ugandan Socialite Sheilah Gashumba Involved in Airport Scandal. Found with unknown liquids.

In a shocking twist of events, Ugandan socialite and media personality Sheilah Gashumba a.k.a Lil Stunner found herself in hot water recently as she …

Alien Skin shot at in scuffle with Bajjo SAMSON WASWA

Shots were fired on Tuesday evening at the vehicle of singer Alien Skin in the heat of a scuffle with music promoter Andrew Mukasa aka Bajjo. The mel…

Mr. Henrie denies romantic affair with Beenie Gunter’s former manager Max Noir

On Monday evening photos of Prima Kardashi’s ex-lover Mr. Henrie and Max Noir seemingly enjoying each other’s company were shared online. To the ph…

Malawi music star Thomas Chibade dies aged 37

Tributes are pouring in for one of Malawi’s biggest music stars, Thomas Chibade, following his death at the age of 37. Chibade’s emotive compositio…

Alien Skin reveals retirement plans, making way for younger artists in music industry

For a couple of months now, Patrick Mulwana a.k.a Alien Skin has been letting the world know how he will not be doing music actively beyond Decembe…

Dax Vibez and Vinka collaborate on ‘Believe’ – a heartfelt ode to love

Since breaking onto the scene, Dax Vibez has popularly been identified as Bobi Wine’s younger brother. His music has also exposed him to a wider fa…

Tough times as musicians form rival association, Kenzo elected the president

Top artistes in Uganda have formed a new musician association, the Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF), a move which leaves, the Uganda Mus…

R. Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. Given all of his once adoring fans...?

After he was found guilty  on nine counts in September 2021,  R Kelly  was sentenced to 30 years in prison the following June. On September 14, 202…


Takeoff was shot and killed in Houston due to a dice game he played with Migos member Quavo who managed to flee unharmed. According to law enforcem…
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