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R. Kelly has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. Given all of his once adoring fans...?


After he was found guilty on nine counts in September 2021, R Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in prison the following June.On September 14, 2022, R Kelly was found guilty at a Chicago federal trial of sexually abusing his 14-year-old goddaughter on videotape back in the 1990s.

The R&B singer was found guilty of sexual misconduct with two other minors around the same time period, as well.

This decision marks the second time in less than a year Kelly has been convicted of serious federal child-sex crimes.

According to the chicago tribune "he still faces anywhere from 10 to 90 years in prison when he’s sentenced Feb. 23 by U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber."

Previously, however, R Kelly was sentenced to 30 years in prison on June 29, 2022.

R Kelly, real name Robert Sylvester Kelly, was found guilty in September 2021 on all nine charges against him.

The charges include bribery, forced labor, kidnapping, exploitation of a child, racketeering involving six alleged victims, and sexual trafficking across state lines.

During the trial, several accusers testified in lurid detail, alleging that Kelly subjected them to perverse and sadistic whims when they were underage.

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