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Alien Skin reveals retirement plans, making way for younger artists in music industry

 For a couple of months now, Patrick Mulwana a.k.a Alien Skin has been letting the world know how he will not be doing music actively beyond December 2023.

His fans, however, have constantly requested him to continue singing and giving them the vibes he has blessed them with since he joined the music industry over nine months ago.The Fangone Forest singer maintains that he has not changed his mind about his plans to retire. While speaking to Spark TV’s Joweriah, he revealed his reasons.

“Yes, it’s true I am going to retire from music. It’s not a crime because I have grown up hearing younger artists blaming the older more established artists for lasting too long in the limelight and blocking their blessings,” Alien Skin said.He now plans to leave music so he can create space for younger artists to rise and fill up. “So I want to leave some space for others to come and fill,” he added.In

 a joking manner, Alien Skin said that his next move after retiring from music is to open up a lawbreakers association because breaking the law is his next best talent.

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