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Alien Skin shot at in scuffle with Bajjo SAMSON WASWA

Shots were fired on Tuesday evening at the vehicle of singer Alien Skin in the heat of a scuffle with music promoter Andrew Mukasa aka Bajjo.

The melee broke out after the Fangone Forest boss reportedly knocked and damaged Bajjo’s car at a compound in Makindye.

A huge fight broke out as a private security guard tried unsuccessfully to arrest Skin after denting the front part of Bajjo’s car.

According to videos taken from the scene, Skin attempted to drive off after the incident but a single security guard shot twice at the car, deflating its tires.

A group of men could be heard encouraging the guard to open fire.After the car was immobilized, Skin and his team got and the fight broke out.

He was then accosted by a group of men together with the security in a bid to apprehend him but he fought them off.

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