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Security guard shoots himself dead in kampala


A security guard has reportedly shot himself dead at his duty station on Lumumba Avenue, Kampala, this morning.

The guard, Rogers Atuhaire who works for SGA security company, is believed to have shot himself dead at Mukwasi House on Lumumba Avenue.

Police are on scene and have transported his body to the city mortuary for post mortem as other investigators comb the scene.

So far, police has released an initial report into the incident.

Atuhaire, who had been deployed at the beat for the past two days, was found dead at the scene.

First reports suggest that the deceased was discovered by Okudu David, a day guard who had arrived for duty. David reported hearing the sound of a gun being cocked, assuming it was a routine safety precaution.

Atuhaire Rogers was found lying in a pool of blood, with a bullet wound visible on his throat, which had penetrated through his head.

Investigations have revealed that Atuhaire was working alongside Mary Namumanya for the night duty.

Six individuals have been brought in for questioning to assist in the ongoing investigations.

This is the third fatal shooting involving members of either the armed forces or private security firms in under a month.This has followed recent action taken in Tororo

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