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Another security guard shoots colleague dead in Tororo

 Moses Okedi, a  security guard attached to Saracen Uganda Limited has shot dead a colleague identified as John Okudi, following a disagreement while the two undertook security duties at their post.

 The two guards, both belonging to Saracen Uganda Limited were deployed overnight to man the security of residential premises belonging to Tororo Cement in senior quarters Tororo but allegedly broke into disagreement, which led to Okedi shooting his colleague to death.

“I was in my house mopping and heard a raised voice, shortly after, I heard a gunshot, only to reach the scene I found one of the guards lying dead,” Claire Adikin,  a neighbour narrated.

Adikin says she quickly alerted police who immediately rushed to the scene of the crime and arrested Moses Okedi and another colleague identified as Robert Ejumu to help with the investigation.

 “We have with us the two to help us with the investigation on the exact cause of death,” Adam Kimuli the DPC Tororo said.

Police confirm the accused suspect has been charged with murder and misuse of firearms.

Kevin Mwambu, the area manager of Saracen Uganda LTD expressed shock at the events, adding that the two colleagues have been working together without any troubles.

“These people have been working together here since and we had not received any complaints from either of them. I am just surprised with what has happened “ Mwambu said.

 With incidences of killings using firearms becoming rampant in the country today, leaders suggest the need for government to pay attention to the training officers go through before deployment.

Simon Peter Ochom,  the Chairperson LC III Eastern Division in Tororo municipality says the government should establish one training institution for all security guards in the country if these incidences are to be minimized.

“I think the problem is the government letting these private security companies train their own guards which is done unprofessional and therefore living guns in the wrong hands, “ Ochom said

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