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Airtel enters deal to provide eSIM enabled devices to Ugandans on hire purchase


Telecom giants, Airtel Uganda has entered into a partnership with Transtel Uganda to provide e-sim enabled devices on a hire purchase basis to members of the public.

The telecom company in a statement on Friday said the partnership will see Transtel, the official distributor of Samsung and Apple smartphones in the country offer e-sim enabled devices on hire purchase basis to those who need them.

There are currently many phone manufacturers that are producing smartphones that accommodate eSIM. As part of our efforts to support the digital transformation journey in Uganda we have extended our partnership with Transtel Uganda and customers will be able to get eSIM  devices as we open up a whole new  world of Imagination on how users can connect, travel, and manage personal and business transactions on smartphones without having to carry more than one phone,” said the Airtel Uganda, Marketing Director, Henry Njoroge.

He said the eSIM enabled models include Samsung Galaxy S23, Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, iPhone 14, iPhone 14 plus, iPhone Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max that can be got  while paying installments.

Airtel Uganda a few weeks ago become the first telecom operator in the country to introduce the cutting-edge technology of eSIM.

An eSIM (or embedded SIM) is a digital SIM card built directly into a device, which offers connection to any operator with eSIM-enabled network services.

Users with eSIM-compatible phones do not require physical SIM cards, allowing them to use different providers on the same phone

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