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What is the best internet network to use in Africa?

 When it comes to internet quality, South Africa stands out as the top performer in Africa. According to a recent study by Surfshark, South Africa has the best internet quality on the  continent, even though its global ranking is 661. 

Other African countries with notable internet quality include:

Mauritius: Ranked second in Africa.
Morocco: Takes the third spot.
Tunisia: Comes in fourth.
Kenya: Ranks fifth.
Egypt: Holds the sixth position.
Nigeria: Occupies the seventh spot.
Ghana: Takes the eighth position.
Algeria: Ranks ninth.
Senegal: Completes the top ten.
These rankings are based on factors like internet affordability, quality, electronic infrastructure, security, and government support1. Keep in mind that while South Africa’s internet quality is impressive, intermittent power outages due to load shedding can affect connectivity and internet speeds1. If you’re specifically looking for mobile network providers, MTN and Vodacom are prominent players in South Africa2. 🌐📶🌍

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