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Telegram Business launched this month:

Telegram News:
The first features of Telegram Business launched this month. This is just the start – even more will be added in the coming weeks.

Telegram Business features are currently available for free to all Premium users.

Business Features

💼 Location and Business Hours. Telegram users can convert their profile to a business page – adding the location and business hours of their company.

Business Features

💼 Greeting Messages. Businesses can write a greeting that is instantly sent to users who contact them for the first time.

These automated responses support text formatting, media and files – and can contain multiple messages.

Business Features

💼 Away Messages. Telegram Business users can set an away message to automatically reply when they are closed or on vacation.

Business Feature

💼 Quick Replies. With Telegram Business, you can create preset responses to send one or more messages with a simple command in any chat.

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