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TON coins nominated in Crypto of the year awards.

The Crypto Of The Year Award recognizes the most impactful crypto of the last 12 months, irrespective of market cap. After a rollercoaster year, these projects stood out for their innovation, resilience, and impact on the industry.

Toncoin is a pioneer in making Web3 accessible through Telegram, offering self-custody wallets and seamless access to dApps. Its achievements in enhancing transaction speeds and market growth exemplify its innovative approach to Crypto adoption.


Winner: Solana 🏆



XRP demonstrated remarkable resilience, overcoming legal obstacles with the SEC to affirm its status as a non-security. Its strategic alliances with SWIFT, and Grayscale's investment, reflect XRP's ongoing innovation and real-world application.



Solana's narrative is one of redemption and community strength, rebounding from the impact of FTX's downfall. Its resurgence, fueled by an uptick in dApp creation and community engagement, highlights Solana's resilience in the face of real adversity, positioning it strongly for further growth in 2024 and beyond.



Chainlink plays an essential role in connecting blockchains to the real world, serving as the most trusted Oracle network. Its initiatives, such as tokenizing assets and facilitating cross-chain transactions with Circle, underscore its indispensable role in blockchain



Ethereum continues to lead in decentralized applications, with "The Merge" marking a significant milestone towards sustainability and scalability. Its commitment to innovation and the development of its DeFi ecosystem cement Ethereum as a foundational player.

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