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What you should know behind the NUP new office building.

Police have warned NUP leaders and their supporters against the grand opening of the new party offices in Makerere Kavule since the same has not been cleared by security.

On Thursday, the scheduled grand opening was blocked when the police and army deployed at the new NUP offices.

NUP leaders consequently postponed the grand opening to today, Friday.

However, in a statement, the Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson, Patrick Onyango warned that the grand opening is not yet cleared by the Inspector General of Police.

“It has come to our attention that the party leaders have not yet officially notified the Inspector General of Police regarding their event. Therefore, there has been no coordination or harmonization with the security forces,” Onyango says.

“In light of this, we recommend that the National Unity Platform initiates a dialogue and harmonizes with the relevant security authorities before proceeding with their planned function tomorrow.”

NUP president, Robert Kyagulanyi on Thursday blasted security for blocking the opening ceremony for their offices under the pretext of not having enough manpower to secure the function.

“So the cowardly regime has all this manpower to block the official opening of our office, but they claim they don’t have the manpower to secure the function, even when we did not request for it! Then they claimed they blocked it because Gen. Museveni is in Kawempe on the same day. Well, for the comfort and convenience of our guests, we are pushing the official opening to tomorrow and we hope they won’t come up with another excuse,” Kyagulanyi said.

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