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Mother of 4 sits UCE exams


Enid Abampire Niwabiine married to Wilber Niwabiine with four children is a resident of Mukishenyi Village, Ibumba Parish, Rwamucucu SubCounty in Rukiga District was today among the Senior four candidates sitting their Uganda Certificate of Education, (UCE) exams.

The 33-year-old Abampire is a student at Kihanga Secondary School in Rukiga District and joined senior four this year after 14 years of being out of School. Abampire dropped out of school in 2008 when she was in Senior three and went into marriage after the death of her father and her mother failed to raise her school fees.

Abampire says that she opted to join school again and complete her Ordinary Level following her missing out on certain opportunities that require an S. 4 certificate. She further adds that she has a passion for studying and the lack of fees back in a day triggered her to drop out of school.

Abampire further adds that her educational journey this year has been a hustle for she has other responsibilities at home such as preparing for the children and the husband and working to get school fees for both her and the children. She adds that studying with younger colleagues has been challenging in many ways.

Abampire is not alone,  Tumushabe Alex Bruce aged 32 a lay leader of Ibugwe Church of Uganda in Ibumba Parish has also sat for his UCE exams at Kihanga Secondary Secondary. Tumushabe says that he continued with his senior four this year after failing to complete it in 2011. He says that because he has a passion for studying theology he was triggered to report back to school and finish secondary level.

Onesmus Rukundo, the head teacher of Kihanga Secondary School and UCE Chief supervisor in Rukiga District says that Kihanga Secondary School has an enrollment of 150 students but 149 have managed to show up for the first paper. Rukundo also adds that the school has two married students, two divorced and one single mother also doing their exams today.

He adds that there was a delay in the distribution of exams at schools across the district due to the heavy downpour.

Today, over 345,945 sat for Uganda Certificate Examinations (UCE).

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