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Israel-Hamas war rages as Palestinian death toll in Gaza rises from attacks


  • Israel’s military has warned 1.1 million people living in northern Gaza to evacuate their homes, amid signs Israel is set to ramp up its retaliatory offensive against Hamas following the group’s October 7 terror attacks that killed 1,300 people.
  • Israel's warning prompted tens of thousands of people to leave their homes in Gaza Friday, according to the UN's humanitarian office.
  • Gaza's humanitarian crisis is deepening with warnings people are at risk of starvation. At least 1,900 people have been killed in Gaza, according to the Palestinian health ministry. 
  • President Joe Biden says the US is “working like hell” to get Americans missing from Israel back to the United States. The first charter that the US State Department organized to get its citizens out of Israel has arrived in Athens, Greece, an official said, and more flights are planned for the coming days.
  • Here's how to help humanitarian efforts in Israel and Gaza.

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