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How to start blogging in Uganda and make money.


Are you wondering how to start a blog?
Follow these 4 steps to start a blog right away.
1.Decide what to blog about
2.choose a blogging platform
3.find a host
4.pick a domain name.
Why start a blog?

There are many reasons to consider starting a blog. Here are a few popular ones:

Make money while working from
home. I make a full-time income
blogging. Many others do the same.
Making money as a blogger
is hardwork, but it's low risk, low
overhead and low barrier to entry.
Become a published author. It's no
secret, these days publishers rarely
work with authors who don't have an
online presence. The reason is
simple: it's a lot easier to sell books to
people who already know you. A blog
is one of the easiest and most
effective places to start.
Get more exposure for your
existing business or organization. A
blog gives anyone, from individuals to
large companies, the ability to reach a
large number of people at very little
Just write. If you want to write,
share your story, encourage others
and build a community.

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