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Tiktoker Joseph Ngoma arrested over kissing, molesting 16-year-old girl

man, believed to be a boda boda rider, who uploaded a video to the social media platform TikTok while sexually molesting an underage girl has been arrested by Kampala police. 

The suspect has been identified as Joseph Ngoma. Ngoma allegedly filmed himself coercing a 16-year-old girl into sexual acts that sparked outrage among Ugandans who saw the video on his TikTok account. 

During a press conference in Kampala, Police spokesperson Fred Enanga revealed that the suspect was apprehended from a hideout in Kintintale, far from the scene of the crime.

“We would like to confirm that the territorial police in Mubende in close coordination with KMP East at Kitintale police station managed to track down and and arrest a suspect who recorded himself in a video that was shared on social media platforms sexually assaulting, kissing and molesting a 16 year old student in a lodge,” Enanga said.

He indicated that on May 4 when the incident happened, the 16 year old victim left her home and boarded a boda boda rider to go for school holiday coaching. “But when they reached Madudu trading centre, the suspect created an excuse that he wanted to branch and pick a few things from his home.”

It is said that they rode for about 100 metres along Madudu-Mubende road but instead this man stopped at a bar and lodge where he booked a room. 

Enanga told the pressmen that the suspect then asked the girl to go and help him carry some of his personal items but when she reached, he dragged her into the lodge and started recording as he assaulted her.

“He forcefully defiled her and after told her to go back home,” Enanga said. 

Reports show that it was after four days that the viral video came to the attention of the mother of the victim who reported to Mubende police station.

After medically ascertaining defilement, the victim also led the team of investigators to the lodge where one Sylvia Nankinga was arrested for procuring defilement.

However, the law enforcement body has expressed concern over the growing number of social media fans and followers who record themselves while committing crimes saying that this is unacceptable since it glorifies that particular crime.

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