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Police releases official report on Isma olaxess' death

The Uganda Police has released an official statement about the death of renowned blogger and critic Isma Olaxess a.k.a Jajja Ichuli who was shot dead at 9:20 pm on Saturday night in Kyanja.

Several Uagdans on the internet are still in shock over the death of Isma Olaxess, real name Ibrahim Tusubira who was shot dead by an unidentified gunman while returning home on Saturday evening.

The former Swedish-based painter-cum-blogger is said to have been shot at together with his driver while traveling in his motor vehicle in Kyanja.

As a precautionary measure, the area has been cordoned off to ensure the safety of the public and to facilitate the ongoing investigation process. We assure the public that every effort is being made to bring the perpetrators to justice and provide answers to this senseless act of violence.

We understand the concerns and anxieties arising from this incident. We urge residents to remain calm and cooperate with the authorities as we work towards resolving this case swiftly.

We will continue to update the public with relevant information as soon as it becomes available.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family and friends of Tusubilwa Ibrahim during this difficult time.The Territorial Police at Kira Road is actively investigating a tragic shooting incident that occurred today at approximately 9:20 PM in Kyanja Central Zone. It is with deep regret that we report the unfortunate demise of Tusubilwa Ibrahim, also known as Isma Olaxes, popularly known as Jaja Ichili. The incident took place while Mr. Tusubilwa Ibrahim was traveling in his motor vehicle, registered under number UBK 213 D, with his driver, Mr. Waswa Mathias.

Preliminary reports indicate that an unidentified gunman armed with an SMG opened fire on the vehicle, resulting in the fatal shooting of Tusubilwa Ibrahim, who was seated in the passenger seat at the time of the attack. Our dedicated task teams are currently on the ground, working diligently to gather all available evidence and conduct thorough investigations into this heinous crime

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