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Money lender shot dead by police officer (video)

 According  Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, Patrick Onyango, Police Constable Ivan Wabwire shot dead Bhanders Uwttam, 39 who was one of the proprietors but also the manager for TFS financial services along Parliamentary Avenue.

“Available information is that the client, Police Constable Ivan Wabwire first came on Thursday and met the director and manager of TFS financial services to get calculations after getting two loans one being deducted from his salary. It is also said that they calculated for him and it was around shs2.13million. He came back today and started arguing with one of the workers leading to the shooting,” Onyango said.

 He explained that the suspect and the deceased developed a misunderstanding about the amount of money he owed the money lenders.

This website has however separately learnt that the killer police officer wanted to know the amount owed so that the loan could be bought off by a commercial bank but also give him another loan.

On coming to the money lending business, Wabwire went straight to the deceased and quarrel ensued.

“He first shot in the ground scaring away everyone before he turned the gun to the deceased. Five cartridges have been recovered from the scene,” a source privy to the matter told this website.

However, the Kampala Police spokesperson said the police officer shot one of the CCTV cameras in the room prompting other employees to flee for their dear lives.

In the resulting mele, the manager of the financial institution was shot dead.

“Because the CCTV camera was shot, we don’t know what exactly happened. Our CCTV teams have been called to help retrieved footage to ascertain what exactly happened,” Onyango said

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