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Mabaati scandal returns: PM Nabbanja’s PA summoned by CID over iron sheets

 The Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) and a team from the State House Anti-Corruption Unit want the 2000 pieces of iron sheets that were signed for the Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja accounted for.

They have therefore summoned the Private Assistant to Nabbanja, one Bright Arinaitwe to seek proper accountability of the iron sheets said to have been signed for the Prime Minister yet she continues to deny ever receiving them.

According to records provided, Nabbanja received 2000 iron sheets which were picked up in an army vehicle on January 7 by a driver identified as Timiseo Ntungwameisho. The same consignment was signed for by Arinaitwe.

However, Nabbanja claims that she received only 1000 iron sheets meant for vulnerable communities in Kakumiro District and not Karamoja.

This leaves glaring questions over the remainder of the 2000 pieces and their whereabouts.

While the Prime Minister has no idea where the remaining pieces are, her PA is also not yet clear on the same, hence creating the need to provide proper accountability regarding the whereabouts of the said sheets

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