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 In this artical lets look at some of the best platforms where you can monetize your website and generate alot of traffic and earn some good money.

As a website builder or app developer, you may be wondering that how can i earn through my wesite or application. the answer is you can do earn from your projects.

Lets appreciate monetization platforms because you can provide them your content for free and earn money through programatic ads(adverts).

NOTE: remember not to overcrowed your site or application with many ads because it may not look nice to your viewers.here what matters most is the ad format, size and the right place where you place your ads(adverts).

Below is the list of top 6 monetizing platforms you would prefer.

  1. Google adsense
  2. Ads-terra
  3. Setupad
  4. Google admob (applications)
  5. Joinpropeller.com
  6. Monetizemore.com
What you will need to do is to apply to those sites by filling in the forms and getting started.

Monetize and increase your earnings.


We have covered the best 6 monetizing platforms and it is up to you to choose the the one you want for your self.Remember while displaying programmatic ads can be beneficial to increase your revenue stream, your users should always come first.

It’s crucial to provide a great user experience, especially for apps, create high-quality content, and use the best-performing ad formats and placements.

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