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Pasting google adsense code into the html viewer of your site


Pasting google adsense code into the html viewer of your site

To run google adverts on your website in blogger, you need to reach up the following.

o   Have enough content on your website

o   Have a valid domain name

o   Make your site reachable, visible to your viewers.

o   Avoid copyright of content on your website

o   Comply with terms and conditions of blogger.

This brings us to code implementation guide.

ü  In your blogger account, go to upper left hand side and click on earnings. If you site isn’t ready to show ads, such an article will appear “your site isn’t ready to show ads”. And then click on “Go to adsense”.

When you reach your adsense account, go to home tab and add a new site.(add the site name you registered with blogger)

To apply ads, on the same left hand side, click on ads section and click on Get code.

Copy code snnipet to clipboard

To paste the code, you go back to your blogger and put it in the html between the head and head tags of your site.

Note your blog name on blogger must be the same with the url of your site in adsense.

After copying the code, head to your blogger account from the upper left hand side corner, select


Click on the downward short arrow

Click on edit html

The html will be displayed as the one below

Then look for <body> tag of your site and paste the code there.

After pasting the code then click on save

This is what happens when the code has been saved “update successful”


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