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On youtube) how to increase your earnings with noxinfluencer as a monetizing partner.

 what is noxinfluencer?

noxinfluencer is an influencer marketing software, marketing campaign, influencer relationship management and social media anlystics.noxinfluencer collaborates with creators and brands, who can publish sponsorship offers.it covers millions of global influencer resources such as youtube, tiktok, instagram, facebook among others

How helpful is noxinfluencer.

Getting started.

noxinfluencer gathers brand users globally on their platform where clients like Alibaba, ebay are using noxinfluencer to find to find creators for collaboration.

A brand client is ready to publish a sponsorship offer and invite or wait to collect applications to cooperate with creators.

On noxinfluencer, thousands of new sponsorship activities are posted every day.

These sponsorships target creators in beauty, clothing, electronics, games, sports, etc. Therefore, influencers can find the right brand owner on the NoxInfluencer platform if they want to make money.

these are some of the sponsors on noxinfluencer

   this is the button for application on noxifluencer

you can also grow your following through

Through the NoxInfluencer platform, you can view and analyze your subscriber growth trends, subscriber distribution countries, video viewing trends, and understand subscriber preferences to optimize video content channels and increase subscriber numbers.

Guidance of Make Money on NoxInfluencer

Step One: Join NoxInfluencer as a YouTuber

You will need to sign up on NoxInfluencer using your YouTube account. Before getting board, you need to fill up related information, such as region, niche, which will be used to recommend best-matching sponsorships to you.

Step Two: Start to approach brands to get sponsored

  • Way 1: You can browse on NoxInfluencer to find if there is any campaigns you are interested in. If you find one, directly click to apply and communicate with brands to show your interests.
  • Way 2: When you sign up as an influencer on NoxInfluencer, brand uses will send out collaboration invitation from there campaign list to the influencers they choose. So, creators probably will receive invitation letters on NoxInfluencer when brands find you proactively.

Step Three: Start working on your campaign under different mode

  • Mode 1-CP? (cost per ?)  This mode runs on a rule of pay for some metric, such app installation, video views, or link clicks. NoxInfluecer will track these metrics of your sponsored content. (This mode is still under beta stage and will comes out soon.)
  • Mode 2-Falt rate: This mode is easy to understand. Brands bid a flat rate to influencers to create content for their products or services. 

Step Four: Get Paid!

  • If everything goes well and smoothly, brands will pay influencers after confirming creation.
  • .NoxInfluencer will serve as a moderator in between to guarantee rights and benefits of both sides. So regardless brands or creators, they don’t need to worry about fund safety or credibility.

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