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Become a jumia sales consultant agent and earn money through jforce program





Jforce is a program laid by jumia Uganda so that unemployment can be reduced among the youth in Uganda.Jumia is an online market where you can buy and sell goods online in different categories which include electronics,home appliances clothing,mobile,and many thing other

jforce benefits 

  • Through the jforce programm you can grow your entrepreneurial skills.
  • You earn money through commissions by selling jumia products.
  • You become self driven in your own business.
  • You become jumia sales consultant by owning your business.

 How to access the service.

Registering for jforce programm,you need to have a smart phone or computer with c;ear internet access as well as a valid email and phone number.

Signup for jforce by connecting to jforce.jumia.ug on your computer or smart phone and this is done when you already have an account with jumia.

Enter your contact infomation,email adress, to continue.

Also download the jumia app from google playstore, login  and connect your email adress that you used to register.

How to make orders and earn with jumia Uganda 

Get on the JForce train today and earn money through commissions by selling items supplied by Jumia. You can also make money as you recruit new sales consultants. This is an opportunity to be your own boss and take orders from no one else but yourself as you have complete control over your activities

As you make orders you have to include the email of your custormer so that jumia can get notified that you placed an order on behalf of your customer to make your commission ready.

NOTE : The only thing required from your client is the email address.

             You should build trust to your clients.

After placing the orders you are able to trace the order untill delivered to your client and also following your sales on the jforce.jumia uganda web application.

Enjoy earning through commissions once you sell jumia products.


Jumia offers a platform where yuou can work and earn unlimitted income through selling their products  and you donot need to work for any boss thus you the boss.

By joining the jforce program you leave the jobless life and enjoy being self employed.

Grow your enterpreneurship skills on the jforce and interact with the social events and gatherings of jumia.To become a jforce agent is aesy as you can just signup here immediately to start earning now www.jforce.jumia.ug 

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