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How to make money on freelancer a safe site to work on under protected payment procedures

 freelancer is a site where you can make money online without working hard but just to sit on your computer and do the tasks that have to do.


Head to your chrome or fire fox and type in freelancer www.freelancer.com register and get verrified.you should enter a valid email.

Then you will be required to enter your details such as phone number, email, personal profile and your payment details which means you shuold be having a bank account with valid card number.


There are very many kinds of jobs found on this site which are including, changing documents to pdf, typing documents in midrosoft word.

d, typing documents in excel, translating documents various languages such as latin turkish language among other languages.

U have to be skilled enough in Microsoft document presentation,excel presentation,language translation.

To get a job on this site you have to submit some requirements which are not that much and this requires bidding and within a short period of time you can get client that will hire you to do him a job which is among of the mentioned above tasks.

The employer may have some agreements with you and this depends on the client you are going to work for because the site is only made for hiring and uploading projects and the rest is left to the client you are working for.

You have to be careful with the issue of payment because payments are made within freelancer site but not any other platform.

Freelancer supports payment through paypal,credit cards and banks.for this you have to enter correct bank details because if you mess something wrong it will affect you.

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  1. good idea
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