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Joshua Baraka Scoops Trace Awards Nomination

Joshua Baraka, one of the country’s fastest-rising stars, has clinched a coveted nomination at the prestigious Trace Awards and Summit 2025 presented by platinum partner, Johnnie Walker in this year’s installment.

BornJanuary 1, 2001 (age 24)
OriginKampala, Uganda
Occupation(s)Musician, Songwriter
Years active2023

The Naomi artist has been nominated in the Best Artist—Eastern Africa category. This nomination is a testament to his bold artistry and meteoric rise across borders onto the continental music stage.

Joshua Baraka’s journey, from a budding talent doing band gigs as a pianist into a continental sensation has been nothing short of remarkable.

Known for his rich blend of Afrobeat, bits and pieces of Ugandan Kidandali, R&B, and soulful lyricism, Baraka has consistently delivered music that resonates with different audiences across borders.

Hits like ‘Nana,’ ‘Dalilah,’ and ‘DIGII IV,’ not only showcase his musical versatility, but have also earned him quite a huge fanbase across the continent, and amongst Afrobeat lovers in different parts of the globe.

Over the past year, Baraka’s groundbreaking projects have showcased his creative evolution and daring spirit, reflecting the essence of Johnnie Walker’s commitment to inspiring individuals across Africa to take bold steps forward.

The Trace Awards nomination comes at a pivotal moment not only in Baraka’s career but also for the award’s platinum sponsor Johnnie Walker, as it aligns perfectly with the brand’s “Keep Walking” mantra.

Joshua Baraka (born 1 January 2001, in Kawempe) is a Ugandan recording artist and music producer. He rose to fame after releasing "Nana" in 2023. In his music carrier, he has released more than ten albums, including Baby Step, Belinda, and Sana.

Baraka was born to Kenyan father and Ugandan mother in KawempeKampala.

Johnnie Walker announced the landmark partnership with the Trace Awards and Summit 2025, with a sponsorship of two categories; the Best Newcomer and Song of the Year category at the three-day extravaganza that will take place from February 24–26, 2025, at the Mora Zanzibar Resort.

The partnership also includes the Trace Awards City Tour, which will bring live performances and meet-and-greet opportunities to major cities, including Kampala.

The tour will provide an intimate platform for fans to connect with nominated artists and talents, and experience the energy fueling Africa’s creative revolution.

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