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shocking!!! Real life project by mechanical engineering students at vision for africa college

As a mandated assessment body, UBTEB conducts routine inspection of real life projects to ascertain the originality, innovativeness and relevancy of the projects done by students in various training institutions.suprisingly, students at vision for africa international christian college persuing Diploma in mechanical engineering course made a shocking real life project that would have been under taken by the welding course.particularly the mechanical department woould have done some thing like innovating, invading or even practicing an extra ordinary project.just imagine motor engineers doing this😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Oba babigya wa?

 Inline with the Government renewed efforts for skills development; with a focus on the relevance and practical orientedness of the training as per the respective curricular, the practical steps so far undertaken by the Ministry of Education and Sports to realise the new trend of training and delivery are a true manifestion of commitment to boost skills excellence in Uganda. Specifically, during the inspection of the National certificate and UCPC projects which commenced on 8th October 2018, the Board has witnessed some improvements in the projects done by students in various training institutions.

Among the key observations is the ability of the students to explain and demonstrate how the project idea was initiated, costed and implemented as well as the relevancy of the projects.

The Board commends the work done by the Heads of Centres and the technical teams who supervise the work of students.The Board appeals to candidates to ensure that the knowledge and skills attained during the academic progress together with industrial training should be a point of inspiration to excel in the pursuit of the lucrative careers in their designated disciplines. The aim of the real life projects is not only for academic progression but also for enhancing application of applied knowledge and practical skills.
With the positive trend of real life projects, the impact registered at institutional and community levels in form of infrastructural developments like staff houses, lecture rooms and renovation of houses with in the communities. The training institutions are encouraged to scrutinise the opportunities of making real life projects the best investment options to generate income for institutional capacity building and development. The Local communities and local leadership should partner with the training institutions to work on infrastructural projects and other projects that can boost incomes of local communities such as farm improvement and management practices among others.

with the positive trend in the conduct and implementation of real life projects, the future of graduates is bright to address skills shortage for national development.

In picture below, students of vision for africa students during one of the real life projects at the college.
Thanks to @HACKTECH Nigeria.

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