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Welcome to afrisoftech blog where you find everything interesting.

People say that it is impossible to download videos from youtube, BUT AM HERE TO PROVE IT.

Actually it is easy to download youtube videos.

Go to youtube search and search for a video you want.

Then press the share button and copy the video link.

Now that we are going to see whats next after copying the video link, you can also read this related


There are many sites where you can paste a link a nd down;load any video you want but we really take

Time and do enough research so that we bring the best without getting any inconvenience when you

Are downloading your videos.

Now visit the site below afrisoftech.com  

You will need to paste the link you copied from youtube in the search box with the word


 Go on and paste your link in the box above then tap on the arrow to show the details of the videoplus the video quality options available for the download.

Choose the quality of the video you want and wait for the download to start.

Be patient enough to get the best you need.

TIP: share the article to your friend for us to better serve our nation.Thanks.


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