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Mr. Henrie denies romantic affair with Beenie Gunter’s former manager Max Noir

 On Monday evening photos of Prima Kardashi’s ex-lover Mr. Henrie and Max Noir seemingly enjoying each other’s company were shared online.

To the photos shared on her Instagram, Max Noir added a caption that seemed to indicate that the two are in a relationship deeper than just friendship.“With the love of my life. My peace, my joy, my Future Mr. Henrie,” Max Noir wrote before adding laughing emojis.

This sparked off rumors as netizens interpreted the moment differently with some claiming that the two could be dating.

On Tuesday morning, however, during the Galaxy FM Mid-morning Tukoone show, Mr. Henrie cleared the air about the alleged relationship.

Henrie revealed that he is only good friends with Noir and that they are not romantically involved, watering down the dating rumors.Mr. Henrie is rumored to be in a stable relationship with a yet-to-be-identified city babe.

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