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Dax Vibez and Vinka collaborate on ‘Believe’ – a heartfelt ode to love

 Since breaking onto the scene, Dax Vibez has popularly been identified as Bobi Wine’s younger brother. His music has also exposed him to a wider fanbase in recent years.

Characterized by his unique vocals, Dax Vibez’s music catalog is highly dominated by love songs. He sings from the heart.

His latest release dubbed ‘Believe’ is not any different.

On this particular project, he joins efforts with Vinka who has had quite a good year musically with songs like Bailando and Tutu Mama, among others.

The two artists blend their vocals to create a simple but deep song produced by Nessim in which they confess their faith in love while pledging love to each other

The visuals shot by Aaronaire also continue to tell the tale of the romantic nature of the song with a beautiful storyline.

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