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Tough times as musicians form rival association, Kenzo elected the president

 Top artistes in Uganda have formed a new musician association, the Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF), a move which leaves, the Uganda Musicians Association (UMA) headed by singer Cindy Sanyu in a difficult time.

UNMF on Saturday announced his leadership with the commitment of the Prime Minister of Uganda, Robinah Nabbanja, to support the newly formed federation.

This initiative aims to unite musicians and promote their interests in Uganda by bringing together all associations in the industry under one umbrella.

The federation will focus on collaboration and growth, creating new opportunities for musicians and stakeholders in the Ugandan music industry.

Nabbanja promised to fight for the rights of artistes and committed that the government will invest resources in the federation. She encouraged musicians to lean on her for support, emphasising the government’s dedication to fostering the growth and success of the Ugandan music industry.

This new federation was formed after a series of meetings with Gen Salim Saleh, according to different sources.

The events promoter Balaam Barugahara believes that the new federation will help to promote Ugandan music beyond borders.

Singer Edriisa Musuuza was elected the president of the federation and he will be deputised by Sheebah Karungi as the 1 vice president, Pius Mayanja, aka Pallaso, the second vice president and veteran songstress Juliana Kanyomozi, the third vice president

Singer Moses Ssali aka Bebe Cool will be in charge of finance.

“With this organisation the Music industry will shine & grow beyond border. It’s a big win for the music industry. General Salim Saleh and Afri Aid headed by Madam Esther Akampumuza You will remain in Uganda’s history book as heroes to the sector. God bless you all,” said Barugahara.

Upon being elected as the president of the federation, Kenzo stated that academic qualification was not among the criteria for one to become one of the leaders of the federation, but individual contribution in the industry.

“If we work together as the Uganda National Musicians Federation, we shall win. We should partner with the government to protect us so that we protect it as well,” he said, promising to fight for the rights of musicians and return what has been stolen from them.

The UNMF’s organisational structure consists of a general assembly of members, a leadership team, committees focusing on various aspects of the industry, regional representatives, a secretariat, and a board of trustees featuring representatives from Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) among others.

UNMF is a collaborative effort of musicians, industry stakeholders, and the Ugandan government, aimed at unifying the music industry in Uganda.

The federation, according to the founders brings together all associations in the industry under one umbrella, promoting growth, collaboration, and unity among musicians and stakeholders.

In March this year, the leader of the national Unity Platform (NUP) Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine claimed that president Museveni was using Uganda Musician Association (UMA) to fight him with the aim of crippling the growth and progress of the industry.

UMA is an umbrella that brings together all musicians in Uganda with the aim of music development as well as looking out for their welfare. For the couples of years, there has been tension and in fights among the members of UMA.

In in fact last year, the government suspended UMA election following the wrangles among artistes.

UMA is licensed by the National Union of Creative Performing Artists and Allied Workers (NUCPAAW), to represent musicians, producers and artist managers.

UMA exists to protect, promote and preserve Ugandan music, and advocate for the interests of its members to the government, the music industry, the media and the public.

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